Wednesday 13 April 2016


Assalamualaikum. Um..Hi! So I just made a blog and this is my first post guys. Yeay! Actually I didn't even know why I have the urge to make a blog. Maybe because I want to express my feelings, I want to show what I do, share my beautiful moments, share what I know and more. I totally sucks at memorizing. I couldn't remember some things that I did few years ago, I couldn't remember some moments accurately, or should I say I couldn't remember important things well? Hence I think  I should write it here so that in the future I  can look back into it . Perhaps those are the reasons I made  this blog. And I hope that this post is not the only post in this blog. I hope I can share a lot, in silent. I even wonder that if anyone would read my blog because my life is boring as hell. To whoever that read this, thanks. I will introduce myself to yall in the next post.

You can follow me on twitter here.

Sincerely, Susu.

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