Saturday 16 April 2016


Hey guysss. So in the previous post I promise to introduce myself right? So here it is.

Um.. Where to start?....

      I am the eldest daughter. I have 3 sisters under me. They're all annoying though. I am sometimes a hot tempered person, Sometimes okay, sometimes insane, sometimes sentimental and I talk A LOT.
I was born in Selangor. At Hospital Kajang. On 1st July 2000,10:34 AM . When I was 5 and 6 I went to Tadika Pasti Siti Sarah. When I was 7  I went to SK Sekyen 7. Until I'm 8. We then moved to Kg. Sg. Ramal Dalam and I went to the new school which is SKSRD(Sg. Ramal Dalam). We moved a lot. I went to SKSRD since I'm 9 until 12. When I was in standard 6 (12 y/o) I had an examination(UPSR) and I got straight A's. And my aunt promised me to give me his phone(Samsung Galaxy Y) if I got 5As and I Made it. Yeay! I'm currently using that phone now so it's been 4 years! I also got moneys from relative and my uncle gave me a Spongebob mug. I didnt even expect that I would get straight A's bcs I dont even study. After that I got accepted to continue my secondary school in JESS(Jalan Empat Secondary School) in Bangi. I was truly happy when I got accepted there bcs my crush since primary school went to JESS also but he's in Form 3(morning session)  while me in Form1(evening session). But I saw him few times. He's 18 now :')
I studies in JESS for 2 years and in the end of 2014 my family and I moved to Ayer Hitam where I live now. In  Form 3 I went to SMK Datuk Menteri and get to know lots of amazing people there and I also had sweet and bitter memories. That's how it goes on .
Oh, and for PT3, i got 6As 2Bs1C 1D

B - Oral BI, Math
C - Oral BM
D - Science.

I was a little bit suprised bcs my Oral BI is better than BM lmao.
Truly bad at Science :')

My parents do business. They are currently selling pisang goreng, keledek goreng and air kelapa. I do help them sometimes to find money for our family. We're not a rich family. Not too poor either. But our income is kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang so cukup2 makan je. We couldn't go to anywhere like other people but we've used to it. I honestly enjoyed experiencing business bcs I get to see various type of human. I also learn to be grateful,to experience hardship, and stop trying to be like someone else that is not you, and harta takle bawak kubur pun.

I don't really have much interest and I don't even know what I want to be since little but I think I have interest in Business now so I'm going to follow this path. I am a person that don't read books because I don't like it. I get bored easily . I can only read 3 pages and then I get bored. So whenever I read a novel I never done it. I also have interest in band such as The Neighbourhood bcs OH MY GOD THEIR SONGS ARE MASTERPIECE YALL. Their songs makes me calm. So I love listening to them and THE NBHD never disappoint me.
I love to drink fresh milk so much bcs Idk why. I just love it, it's tasty. I don't care what brand is it, but I as long as its pasteurized milk, I like it. I don't need bouqets of flower but milk is good enough to make me happy. Furthermore, I like to eat French Fries. FRIES OVER GUYS! Lol I loves cooking but cooking doesnt like me. Most of the time, I dont have money to buy ingredients to make food that I want to cook. For Malaysian dish, my most favourite is Sambal Sotong. Nothing can explain how much I love them. Especially if its cook by my mom. I also loves Keli/Sembilang Masak Cili Api. Idk, I just love Sambal so much.. And fruits, I like WATERMELONNNNN. But I don't like vegetables. Lol I'm not used to it but now that I'm 16 I have to learn to eat it bcs one day maybe I could only eat veggies. Theres also few food that I don't eat such as Nasi Lemak and Durian. Weird isn't it?  But I never eat it so I never like it. I also don't drink coffee cause I don't lah! Lol.
Tak berapa minat.

I don't even know what to tell anymore bcs I think I've tell you guys everyting already. My hand hurts and I feel sleepy. So I think thats all abt me. When I'm free I'll post something again.


Sincerely, Susu.

Oh, forgot to tell you. Some of my friends call me Susu because I love to drink milk and actually it started from someone and I still remember that someone. After she calls me that, a lot of people start calling me Susu and I'm just fine with it. You guys can call me Susu too :)

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